Not Me! Monday – #28

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I love Not Me! Monday created by My Charming Kids so I’ll take this time to reflect on what I did not do this past week. Please take a moment to visit MckMama’s blog and check out what she has not been up to this past week!

Last week I did not decide I was tired of waiting for my husband to do it and instead took it upon myself to pick our apples from our apple tree. Nevermind that most of the apples are very high up (deer get the low ones) and he’d have a much easier time reaching them. So with my creative juices flowing, I did not decide to use a golf club to bring the branches down (while standing on a ladder) and then use it to knock the really high ones out. Nope, not me. And I’m sure this wouldn’t have been funny to watch either. Imagine me on a ladder, hacking at my poor apple tree with a golf club. Couldn’t be…

And after I was finished playing apple golf picking apples I didn’t go into the bathroom to give my son Lucian a quick shower who was filthy from playing in the sandbox. And while I was there I didn’t look in the mirror and notice a brown leaf was stuck in my hair just above my ear. When I removed this leaf I didn’t notice it start to move and immediately throw the “leaf” in the sink only to discover it was a HUGE SPIDER! Eeek! I wasn’t thankful that the spider landed in the sink and I was able to drown the blasted thing.

And last night I wasn’t super thankful for my dear husband who ended up spending a good hour plunging our bathtub! Yes, you heard that right. We haven’t had a plugged up sink for the past week in our bathroom, even after multiple Drano applications. This didn’t finally pass and go right up through our bath drain! And when it came up it wasn’t a black sludge, completely disgusting and totally nasty. And my husband wasn’t awesome to stand over with a plunger to try to clear it. And of course if he did, there definitely wouldn’t be a lot of cussing going on. No, of course not. Not my hubby! He then wasn’t removing the black water with a solo cup into a bucket. (I love you honey!) The bright spot? I may have a clear sink. The ironic part? I can’t use it or else more sludge will come up the bathtub. Back to the store today for more Drano.

And to close with a quick Not My Child!… My three year old did not decide it would be interesting to look down his Grandma’s shirt and sneek a peek while she was visiting on Saturday! My child would never do this. Nope. (Don’t let the innocent face fool ya!)

September 10 2009 006


  1. mmm fresh picked apples…you should SOOO bring some over to my house and we can sit with the kids and eat them -I even have an apple core-er (decore-er lol)!!!

    Great not me post!

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