Wordless Wednesday – Spring is Here! (sort of)

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Spring is finally here. Well, sort of. At least the weather felt like is was this week with the temps in the 60’s and sunshine. We lost virtually all of our snow but it still doesn’t look quite like spring with everything, you know, brown.

Warren and I played in the yard while Lucian was in school and I snapped some interesting photos with my phone. Like this poor, dead tree.   We will (and by we I mean my husband) be cutting this one down shortly.  Looks like a buck was trying to help us with the job.

And if it isn’t the deer it is the birds…

But we certainly didn’t let our rather dead surroundings keep us from enjoying the welcome change in weather!

For more Wordless Wednesday check out 3 Kids and Us, Mom Spotted, 5 minutes for Mom and Parenting by Dummies.


  1. Yep. Looks fairly dead and brown here too, although we are finally seeing some little buds finally.
    Isn’t it nice to finally get outside and not freeze!?!

  2. Green grass is cool until you have to dish out lots of bucks to cut it. We have cut once already and need to do it again by next weekend. Looks like y’all enjoyed a nice day out.

  3. I was so glad to have moved back to Florida last year during winter b/c I knew spring would be here most of the time LOL. I remember living in Arkansas looking forward to seeing something springy and no snow (or almost no snow) is definitely springy 🙂 Happy WW.

  4. My boys are itchy to play outside too – we were out all weekend and then it got a little cold here. Soon enough though I will be begging them to come inside!

  5. Gotta love the midwest! We actually hit the 80s on Sunday but last night it was in the 30s. I so wish I lived somewhere that actually had a spring!
    Thanks for the linky! Happy Wednesday!

  6. Southern mom here, we have everything budding and blooming so beautifully.. well except for the grass…. we have awhile till it is lush and green. For now it’s brown 🙁

  7. I hope it greens up soon! Our grass is finally getting green here but the trees are still bare. I am sure in a few weeks it will look a lot better!

  8. I sometimes wish I lived in snow country. But We are having nice Spring weather here in Southern California. We will be in the 80’s for the weekend. I just do not look forward to the summer unless it is by a pool.

  9. Are those woodpecker holes in that upper branch of the tree, or just the way the bark is that makes it look like holes from the picture?

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